News & Events
MPCT Aldershot Awards impress in the rain!
On Wednesday 13th June, Military Preparation College Aldershot hosted their Awards Ceremony at Browning Barracks, which is the infamous previous location for training for The Parachute Regiment. It was a fantastic day, and spirits were not dampened by the heavy rain as you can see from the videos below of the event. Centre Manager Matt...
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TWO MPCT ex-Learners achieve their green beret in one day!
Two ex-Learners (both from Military Preparation College Portsmouth) completed their 30 miler today and achieved their berets and had them presented to them by Lt Col Ollie Coryton (pictured). Congratulations Mr Lewis (right) and Mr Chandler (left), what an outstanding achievement. Additionally, Mr Chandler achieved the Diamond, making him eligible for The King’s Badge Board. Diamonds...
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“Since joining MPCT my life has changed drastically, I have lost a large amount of weight and have now passed selection with an A grade”
Centre Manager of Military Preparation College Teesside Staff Cuthbertson shared his Learner’s inspiring story with us this week. Lewis Stead, a Learner at MPCT Teesside has lost 4 stone in 8 months since joining the college and has recently passed selection with an A grade. In his own words, he told us about his journey...
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“I wouldn’t be the person I am now if it wasn’t for MPCT”
A former Learner at Military Preparation College Newport got in touch with MPCT Head Office this week to express his thanks and appreciation for MPCT. Lewis Bond, now Lance Corporal Bond, passed out last week into the Royal Military Police. He visited his old college on Monday 10th June, where our Managing Director Huw Lewis...
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“Fyddwn i ddim yn berson ydw i nawr os nad oedd ar gyfer MPCT”
Cysylltodd cyn Ddysgwr yng Ngholeg Paratoi Milwrol Casnewydd â Phrif Swyddfa MPCT yr wythnos hon i fynegi ei ddiolch a’i werthfawrogiad am MPCT. Aeth Lewis Bond, sydd bellach yn Lance Corporal Bond, allan yr wythnos ddiwethaf i’r Heddlu Milwrol Brenhinol. Ymwelodd â’i hen goleg ddydd Llun 10 Mehefin, lle digwyddodd ein Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr Huw Lewis...
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Commando Chef visits MPCT Wrexham!
Ar ddydd Mawrth 4 Mai, cafodd y Coleg Paratoi Milwrol Wrecsam y pleser o “Commando Chef” CSgt Mike ymweld â’r ganolfan i roi cipolwg iddynt ar fwyta’n iach ffordd y Morlu Brenhinol. Rhoddwyd hob i bob un o’r Dysgwyr i goginio arnynt, a hyd yn oed aeth y “Commando Chef” i’w gyfrif Twitter ei hun...
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Commando Chef visits MPCT Wrexham!
On Tuesday 4th May, Military Preparation College Wrexham had the pleasure of “Commando Chef” CSgt Mike Beaton visit the centre to give them insight on healthy eating the Royal Marines way. The Learners were all given their own hob with which to cook on, and the “Commando Chef” even took to his own Twitter account...
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Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt advocates MPC at RUSI Land Warfare Conference
On Tuesday 4th May 2019, The Royal United Services Institute held it’s first day of The Land Warfare Conference which is held annually on behalf of the Chief of the General Staff and is the “UK’s pre-eminent gathering of the land forces community”. The keynote speaker for Day 1 of the sold out conference was The...
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MPCT Bishop Auckland’s Mr Jung passes out at HMS Raleigh
On Friday 31st of May, Centre Manager of Military Preparation College Bishop Auckland, Staff Huggins, had the pleasure of being invited to HMS Raleigh to watch his former Learner pass out of Phase 1 Training. Mr John Jung was watched on by his proud family as well as Staff Huggins, with his family including his...
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MPCT’s The Making Of You: Teaser Clip release!
The time for our new Military Preparation College Recruitment Campaign is nearly upon us, so we thought we’d treat our followers with a teaser of what it’s going to look like… Enjoy!
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