News & Events
MPCT London Awards Ceremony: a huge success!
Military Preparation Colleges Battersea, Croydon and Edgware held their first joint Awards Ceremony on Thursday 23rd May 2019. The Learners did amazingly and were watched by many VIPs, many who took to social media to share their positive impressions of the day as can be seen below in posts shared on social media by our...
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MPCT Isle of Wight visited by Duke of Kent!
On Thursday 23rd May 2019, Military Preparation College Isle of Wight ended their college week with a visit from The Duke of Kent. The Duke spent great time in talking to each Learner at our college, taking time and showing deep interest in each individual. We thank him for coming to visit one of our...
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MPCT Southampton & Portsmouth Awards Ceremony
On Tuesday 21st May 2019, Military Preparation Colleges Portsmouth and Southampton held their joint Awards Ceremony once again at Portsmouth’s stunning Guildhall. Staff from both colleges took to their respective social media Facebook pages to express how proud they were of their Learners, and how complimentary all VIPs and attendees were of the event. They...
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On Monday 20th May 2019, Military Preparation Gloucester entered Day 1 of their Ex Summer Escape in Cirencester Park. MPCT Gloucester have a brilliant relationship with Lord and Lady Bathurst who own the park, and we are very grateful that they allow such activities to be hosted on their land. The Exercise finished on Wednesday...
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Staff MPCT yn mwynhau diwrnod o ffilmio ar gyfer Gwobrau Cyn-filwyr Cymru!
Yn ystod yr wythnosau cyn y Gwobrau Cyn-filwyr Cymru ar ddiwedd mis Mehefin, treuliodd ein dau Staff a enwebwyd, ynghyd â’n Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr Huw Lewis MBE, y diwrnod yng Nghaerdydd ddydd Llun yn ffilmio ar gyfer hyrwyddo’r digwyddiad. Gwyliwch y fideo isod i weld faint mae’n ei olygu i Steve Tallis a Phil Jones gael...
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MPCT Staff enjoy day of filming for Welsh Veteran Awards!
In the weeks running up to the Welsh Veteran Awards at the end of June, our two Staff that have been nominated, plus our Managing Director Huw Lewis MBE, spent the day in Cardiff on Monday filming for the promotion of the event. Watch the video below to see how much it means to...
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Mae’r Prif Swyddog Capten Richard Harris o HMS Raleigh yn ymweld ag MPCT!
Ar ddydd Llun 21ain Mai, cynhaliodd Colegau Paratoi Milwrol Casnewydd a Chaerdydd ymweliad VIP arall eto a gwnaeth pawb yn MPCT yn hynod falch. Y tro hwn, y Prif Swyddog, Captain Harris, oedd wedi cael argraff dda o arddangosiadau gweithredol ein Dysgwr, a dywedodd fod dysgwyr MPCT yn ysbrydoliaeth, ac y byddai’n eu cael i...
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The Commanding Officer Captain Richard Harris of HMS Raleigh visits MPCT!
On Monday 21st of May, Military Preparation Colleges Newport and Cardiff hosted yet another VIP visit and made everyone at MPCT incredibly proud. This time, it was The Commanding Officer Captain Harris’ turn to be impressed by our Learner’s active demonstrations, to which he said that MPCT learners are an inspiration, and that he would...
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Motivation & Learning Trust Charity Gala Dinner a huge success!
The Motivation & Learning Trust held its Annual Gala Dinner on Saturday 18th May 2019 in the Ricoh Suite at Cardiff City Football Stadium. We were privileged to have present our Patron, Lieutenant General Tyrone Urch CBE, who is General Officer Commanding Home Command. Together with senior military officers and Capita representatives, they attended to...
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MPCT South Shields Learner carries out courageous act!
Nathan Purvis-Hutchinson, a Learner from Military Preparation College South Shields recently made his family and Instructors very proud when he voluntarily carried out a hugely brave and courageous act. In a message sent to the MPCT South Shields Facebook page from Mr Purvis-Hutchinson’s family member, it can be seen how he bravely attempted to save...
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