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Mae gan fyfyrwyr alumni MPCT nodweddion ar The Paras: Men of War ITV
Ar ddydd Iau 10 Ionawr 2019 am 9pm, darlledodd ITV ei bennod gyntaf The Paras: Men of War. Mae’r gyfres hon wedi’i ffilmio i roi darlun o gatrawd mwyaf “elitaidd a dadleuol” y Fyddin Brydeinig. Nid oedd un o’r dynion amlwg yn y pennod neithiwr heblaw am gyn Dysgwr Croydon, Coleg Paratoi Milwrol, Jack Kojo-Braima...
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Vlog Wythnosol: Wythnos 1 o 2019 yn MPCT
Edrychwch ar Vlog cyntaf VCT o 2019. Mae hi’n anhygoel faint o weithgarwch sydd eisoes wedi bod yn ein Canolfannau ledled Cymru a Lloegr, dyma rai o’r uchafbwyntiau yn unig. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod chi’n hoffi ac yn rhannu!
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Weekly Vlog: Week 1 of 2019 at MPCT
Please take a look at MPCT’s first Vlog of 2019. It really is amazing how much activity there already has been in our Centres across England and Wales, these are just some of the many highlights. Make sure to like & share!
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MPCT features in Fifth Fusiliers Newsletter
It is no secret how well our North- East colleges are flourishing since their opening in the summer last year. One of our colleges in Newcastle is based in the St Georges Army Reserve Centre, the home of X Company 5th Fusiliers. MPCT Newcastle exceeded our recruitment target in the first three months of opening which has...
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Yn ystod y bythefnos diwethaf, mae aelodau Prif Swyddfa MPCT wedi bod yn teithio ledled Cymru a Lloegr i gynnal Gwobrau Tîm Uwch Arweinyddiaeth rhanbarthol. Dyma gyfle i’n staff rhagorol ar draws ein canolfannau gael eu cydnabod am eu gwaith caled a’u hymroddiad trwy gydol y flwyddyn. Cynhaliwyd y digwyddiad cyntaf ddydd Iau 6ed o...
Read MoreMPCT Senior Leadership Team Awards’ resounding success
For the last two weeks, members of MPCT Head Office have been travelling across England and Wales to host regionalised Senior Leadership Team Awards. This is a chance for our outstanding Staff across our centres to be recognised for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. The first event was held on Thursday 6th...
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Our last day of ‘MPCT 12 Days of Christmas Core Values’ has arrived. The final and one of the most highly nominated Core Values is ‘Pride’. Miss Jodie May Page of Military Preparation college Bishop Auckland has been nominated by Lead Instructor Staff Huggins for this award, and here’s why she won; Miss Page had...
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This story is quite a short, sharp and simple one. Mr Hines has been nominated by his instructor at Military Preparation College Bristol for best representing the Core Value of Honesty. Mr. Hines will never fail to tell his peers if their kit is not up to standard for parade. He does this in the...
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We are now at our 10th Core Value, where we find Mr. Holmes of our newest college Military Preparation College Teesside receiving the ‘Diligence’ core Value Award. We love hearing the stories of our Learners who grow in confidence, and this story in such a short time is exceptional. Mr Holmes arrived at MPC Teesside...
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Academi Chwaraeon MPCT yn cefnogi eu cymuned
Mae Academi Chwaraeon Rhondda wedi bod yn brysur yn gwasanaethu’r Ysgolion Cynradd lleol yn yr ardal leol fel rhan o Brosiect Cymunedol mewn partneriaeth â Chwaraeon RCT. Roedd y myfyrwyr yn cynllunio twrnamaint aml-chwaraeon gyda digwyddiadau fel pêl-droed, rygbi TAG, dal y faner, cynffonnau llwynogod a rhigod a chwningod ymhlith llawer o chwaraeon cynhwysol eraill....
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