The Military Preparation School will move to a blended learning delivery approach to ensure the continuation of service delivery as of Monday 23rd March 2020. This will remain in place until further notice and in conjunction with the ongoing government advice.
With the current situation relating to Covid-19 causing unsettlement and disruption, we are imposing this action to ensure we can continue to provide a structured and robust learning framework that learners and schools can utilise in the weeks/months to come. We need to ensure we continue with learning delivery and allowing opportunity for a smooth transition into this approach and securing qualification attainment. It is vital we continue with learning and qualification attainment during this period of unrest and disruption.
How will it work?
Already we have prepared the introduction of blended/distance learning platforms along with a simple, accessible approach to allow learners to continue with their individual learning progress. An online learning zone accompanied with a structured, systematic Instructor led communication, will allow learners support to access a dynamic and focused learning pathway. Our Instructors will be in regular contact with learners and parents through a series of communication platforms, allowing for a two way method of communication and support. Regular updates will be communicated to schools relating to weekly learning objectives, delivery and learner progress and regular updates on the service we will continue to provide to learners, parents and schools.
Further details of our proposed actions and proactive interventions will be released in the coming days. We have a structured and robust learning timetable and framework that Instructors will utilise and deliver to learners. All other aspects of the service will remain in place in terms of accessing contact, support and information.
How will MPS support learner attainment?
We will continue qualification progress and delivery to all current MPS learners via the blended learning approach. All Year Groups will receive this continuation of delivery and we will aim to secure attainment this academic year. We have a number of pre-established contingency plans to allow us to work with schools in the event of any delivery outside of this academic year. We are committed to supporting your learners in securing attainment and providing a professional and high quality service to your school during this time of disruption and unrest.
Further information will follow regarding all content above.
Please can this information/notification be passed to the School Leadership Team and ensure communicated to learners and parents. We will contact all learners and parents next week with an overview and begin our service delivery.
Yours Sincerely,
Dan Shooter
Deputy Director of Schools
danshooter@mpct.co.uk / 0330 111 3939
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