Our Charity The Motivation and Learning Trust has now registered with the Big Give Christmas Challenge to raise funds for 84 Learners and Staff to go on a 4 Day Educational Tour to visit the Battlefields of Normandy in May of 2021. We are hoping to raise a total of £25,000 by gaining £6,250 in pledges, £6,250 in match-funding and the final £12,500 from the online campaign in December. There are 2 phases for donors – pledges, followed by the Online Campaign.
The link for those wishing to make pledges is now open but closes on 28 August 2020. You can help us by pledging a sum of not less than £100 before the pledge deadline. Pledges must be made online following the link here: MLT Pledge for Christmas Challenge Repayment of pledges is to be made after the Online Christmas Challenge Campaign has ended on 08 December 2020. At that time pledges can be paid directly to our charity in any way convenient to the pledger. Details for repayment will be sent to you nearer the due date. To achieve our aim of gaining the maximum allowable match-funding we must achieve our pledge target of £6,250.
For more information on this wonderful challenge, head over to the MLT website to read on..