The Sports & Exercise College has been delivering sports, exercise and fitness courses for a number of years in Wales. The Sports & Exercise College is designed for 16 – 19-year-olds who wish to gain qualifications and experiences to pursue a career in the sports and active leisure industry. We also have a number of sporting stars that progress through the college. A massive CONGRATULATIONS to four RCT Sports academy students this weekend; Ryan Beechey and Curtis Whitford on winning their semi final of the welsh cup with Ystrad Rhondda Youth team and will now play at the principality stadium on the 21st April, Well done boys!! Also, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Students Jordan Withers and Rhys Edwards both winning their X5 welsh vest this weekend! Jordan at 75kg and Rhys at 60kg they will both fight in the British competition next month! Excellent achievement.
Huw Lewis MBE is the founder and managing director of the Military Preparation College. He comments:
“We are really pleased to see that our sports learners gain the key transferable skills and values from their time at the College that will make them stand out in the world of sport. As an organisation we pride ourselves on offering an alternative education pathway to young people and helping them to be the best that they can be – in the sporting arena, civilian employment and in the Armed Forces.”
The Military Preparation College and the Sports and Exercise College welcomes applications and enquiries from both prospective students and parents and guardians. Open days are held every Thursday . Those interested in finding out more can visit www.mpct.celfapps.com or call 0330 111 3939.
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