Parent Views
Working in partnership with parents is of paramount importance to us here at The Military Academy.
We believe that working closely with parents, helps us deliver the best possible outcomes for all our learners as we aim to ensure that all our learners become successful students, confident individuals, and responsible citizens.
This section of the website has been set up to share:

The quality of the MPCT provision is outstanding or good
The support learners received from MPCT staff is outstanding or good
Mpct’s ability to prepare them for their next step is outstanding or good
The quality of mpct lessons and training is outstanding or good
Feedback from parents is really important to us, it enables us to identify possible ways to keep improving as we strive to ‘be the best we can be for the benefit of our Learners.’ There are many opportunities for parents to provide us with feedback, comments and suggestions:
- We carry out a parent survey quarterly
- We ask for written feedback following every parent open session
- On every newsletter there is a section asking for feedback that can be returned by following the link
- Alternatively parents can e-mail enquiries@mpct.celfapps.com directly
When there are individual concerns, we will contact you directly to discuss them further. When more general feedback or suggestions are received on possible improvements, we aim to share this with parents through either newsletters or our You said, we did updates.

“MPCT has given my girl the confidence she lacked and now has the determination to follow the career path she wants.”

“Gave my son the confidence and ability to succeed at what he wanted to do. Excellent college.”

“MPCT has given young people a purpose, shown them that they are not stupid, made them feel good about themselves, boosted their self-esteem and confidence, just made SUCH a difference.”

Proud parents thank Military Preparation College, Aldershot.
Miss Colman has seen enormous improvement in her personal skills and qualities and has become a fine example of an MPCT Learner.
Here’s what proud parents Mr. and Mrs. Colman had to say about their daughter’s achievements during her time at MPCT.
“Aldershot MPCT – such an amazing experience; not just for our daughter but also as a parent of someone with their heart set on becoming a proud British soldier.
Aldershot MPCT really should be at the top of the list for anyone considering joining the Army. You’ll get driven hard and pushed to your limits, but you will gain so much knowledge and insight into what to expect when you go into phase 1 training and far beyond.
This is not a walk in the park, don’t expect it to be easy. It’s more of a slog across the plains, but one you will learn to love, with experiences and friendships you will remember for the whole of your career.
But, we are not just proud of our daughter for her achievements with MPC Aldershot, but also proud of all the other individuals that attend this centre of excellence. We have watched them grow from teenagers into fine young army candidates. It’s amazing and quite moving to see them all lined up in their uniforms on parade, and we want to let them all know we are proud of them all.
Finally, we must give a huge thanks to the staff at MPC Aldershot; you work relentlessly to build your candidates into fine soldiers. With your top-level training and guidance, we are sure that each and every candidate that comes out of the gates of MPC Aldershot will go far with their army careers. We can’t thank you all enough for all you have done for Emily and all your other candidates.
Both Emily and ourselves will miss you all.”
Mr & Mrs. Colman – The Proud parents of Emily Colman, MPC Aldershot.